What’s New in v5.5.3

What’s New in v5.5.3

What’s New in v5.5.3

Welcome to the v5.5.3 update for Octeth! Here's what's new in version 5.5.3:

New Feature

  • Revise Campaign Share Links: Now includes a "copy link" option for easier sharing. (#319)

Bug Fix

  • MySQL Errors in Email Campaign Sending: Fixed an issue where sending email campaigns was causing MySQL errors. (#683)
  • "RevenueHit" Journey Trigger Issue: Resolved an issue affecting the "RevenueHit" journey trigger. (#672)
  • Task #682 Fix: Resolved an issue related to SSL renewal with HAProxy and Certbot. (#682)


  • System-wide Error Logging Improvements: Enhanced error logging across the system for better troubleshooting and support. (#570)
  • Unification of Column Collation: Ensured consistency by unifying column collation across all table columns. (#661)
  • Segment Management UI Update: The segment management UI now utilizes the new RulesJSON, offering improved handling of segment rules. (#685)
  • Removed Latest Product News from Admin Dashboard: The product news section has been removed from the admin dashboard for a cleaner interface. (#686)

Security Patch

  • Ioncube Encryption Settings Update: Updated the Ioncube encryption settings for improved security and compatibility. (#678)


  • Removal of Upgrade Script: The upgrade.sh script has been removed as part of task #679 completion.

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements!

For more details, visit our Help Portal.

What’s New in v5.5.3

We're excited to announce the release of Octeth v5.5.2! This update brings a variety of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to improve your experience with our platform. Below are the details of what's new in this version:

New Features

  • New Journey Triggers: Automate email campaigns with newly added journey triggers. Now you can easily initiate workflows based on specific actions or criteria (#642, #670).
  • Automated HAProxy SSL Certificate Renewal: Streamline your SSL management with the automated renewal process for HAProxy SSL certificates (#668).
  • Phone Verification on Signup: Enhance security and verify user identities by requiring phone verification when signing up to send emails (#675).


  • Improved Email Whitelist Functionality: Get more control over your email sending with improved whitelist functionality.
  • Filter Subscribers by Failed Delivery: Now filter and manage subscribers based on failed campaign delivery attempts, allowing for better campaign management (#667).
  • Improved Email Gateway Personalization: Personalize your email campaigns more effectively with updated personalization options in the email gateway (#665).
  • Sort Campaigns in Campaign.Get API: Optimize your campaign management by sorting campaigns based on scheduled time directly through the Campaign.Get API endpoint (#658, #655).
  • Improved Link Redirection Security Checks: Enhanced security measures for link redirection within emails to prevent hijacking and unauthorized redirects (#660).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Campaign Copy Feature: Resolved an issue where the RulesJsonBundle parameter wasn't copied when using the Campaign.Copy API endpoint (#650).
  • Fixed Email Import Functionality: Addressed a bug that prevented importing a single email address without a newline (#644).

Security Patch

  • Update to Email Address Suppression List: Implemented a whitelist feature for the email address suppression list to improve handling of sender domains and campaign rules (#645).

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Improved Infrastructure for Sender Domains: Updated several backend elements related to sender domain management, ensuring smoother operations and better alignment with user configurations.
  • Issue and Documentation Templates Updated: Streamlined GitHub issue and pull request templates for better user and contributor experience.

We hope you enjoy the new features and improvements in Octeth v5.5.2. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for using Octeth!

Octeth Development Roadmap

VersionStatusRelease DateNotes

Jan 3rd, 2022


↳ v5.0.1

May 2nd, 2022


↳ v5.0.2

Aug 17th, 2022


↳ v5.0.3

Oct 3rd, 2022



Dec 26th, 2022


↳ v5.1.1

Mar 14th, 2023



Apr 22nd, 2024


↳ v5.5.1

Jun 24th, 2024


↳ v5.5.2

Jul, 30th, 2024


↳ v5.5.3

Aug, 16th, 2024


↳ v5.5.4

Aug, 23rd, 2024


↳ v5.5.5
Collecting User Feedback


Under Development

In 2024 Q3

Collecting User Feedback

In 2024 Q4

Do you have any feedback or feature idea that you would like to see in Oempro? Please contact us here or submit your feedback here.

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