Getting started
Installation & Setup
Video Tutorials
Audience Management
Email Marketing
Plug-Ins & Add-Ons
This section is the center for setting up all features and parameters of your email marketing system.
On the left side, you can access to all settings sections, categorized based on their topics.
Admin Account
Account Information
Under [Admin Area → Settings → Admin Account] section, you can update the personal information of the administrator, such as name, and email address.
Email Addresses
Under “Email Addresses” tab, you can set the default sender name and send email address for system notification emails. This information will be used when sending system notification emails to the administrator as well as users. Therefore, you may consider setting a corporate name and email address instead of your own personal info.
This section will display your “Administrator API Key”. Using this API key you can access to all system components and functions via API.
If you need to change the administrator API key, edit /opt/oempro/data/
file and change the value of ADMIN_API_KEY
For security instructions, please refer to “Security” section by clicking here.
Default Opt-In Settings
This is the default opt-in confirmation message which will be set for any subscriber lists created with “Double Opt-In Confirmation” setting.
The email subject and plain email content set here will be applied to user subscriber lists. Please note that, changes applied here affects only new subscriber lists created afterwards.
Delivery Servers
Oempro sends email campaigns, autoresponders and transactional emails via SMTP servers. These SMTP servers are set under [Admin Area → Settings → Delivery Servers] section. You can create multiple delivery servers for the same or different SMTP servers.
Each delivery server has its own SMTP credentials, link and open tracking domains, MFROM domain and other deliver settings.
Creating a Delivery Server
In order to create a new Delivery Server, click “Create Delivery Server” link as shown below.
Oempro will ask you to enter the new Delivery Server parameters, including Name, Host, and SMTP credentials.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the delivery server. This is for internal use only. Make sure you name your delivery servers with a notation to keep everything organized as your delivery server count grows. |
Host Address/IP | The IP address (or hostname) of your SMTP server. |
SMTP Port | Usually this is 25 or 587. Please check for the correct port number with your SMTP provider service. |
Security | Choose the correct security mode based on your SMTP service provider. If they force TLS connection (ex: Amazon SES), make sure you choose the TLS option. |
Connection Time-Out | Number of seconds to wait until the SMTP connection is made. 10 seconds is the default value. |
Authentication | If your SMTP service provider requires a username and password to connect, enable the authentication mode and enter your SMTP username and password. |
Once you are done with the “Email Delivery” tab, click “Domains” tab and set other Delivery Server parameters as explained below.
Field | Description |
Link Tracking | Enter the domain you would like to use inside your email content for link tracking. It can be either a subdomain (ex: or a root domain (ex: |
Open Tracking | Enter the domain you would like to use inside your email content for open tracking pixel domain. Usually, this is same with your link tracking domain. |
MFROM Domain | Enter the domain name you would like to set as MFROM domain (return-path email address domain). Make sure that DNS records of this MFROM domain are setup properly for email policy compliance (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.).
If you enter an email address here instead of a domain, the MFROM email address will be set to this email address. Some SMTP service providers such as Amazon SES require you to set a specific MFROM email address. |
Enforced From Email Address | If you set an email address for this setting, it will be enforced in all outgoing email campaigns and autoresopnders. The “From” email header will be set to this email address. |
In addition to these settings, if you want to use the “Sender Email Address” of the subscriber list as the MFROM email address, please check this checkbox:
If you want to set the “Sender Email Address” of the subscriber list as the “FROM” email header, please check this checkbox:
Once you are done with the settings of your new Delivery Server, click the “Create Delivery Server” button. You will be redirected to the Delivery Server list.
Setting Up SSL Certificates For Tracking Domains
Setting up an SSL certificate for your tracking domains is optional but highly recommended for both security and better email deliverability.
In order to initiate SSL certificate for your tracking domains, please refer to SSL Certificates section for initiating SSL certificates and activating them in your Oempro.
Setting Up a Test Delivery Server
Oempro includes a “Mailhog” Docker container. Mailhog is a SMTP and Mailbox simulator which means, you can send your emails to this test mailbox and check them if your emails are properly structured and sent.
Mailhog can be accessed via http://your-oempro-domain:8025
on your web browser. In order to access this URL end-point, you need to set your static IP address in /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg
and apply the change.
Once you edit this file, find frontend frontend_mailhog_admin
directive. Inside this directive, you will see acl network_allowed src
parameter. Simply add your email address to the end of this parameter. Here’s an example:
frontend frontend_mailhog_admin
bind *:8025
mode http
acl network_allowed src
http-request deny if !network_allowed
use_backend backend_mailhog_admin
represents your IP address in the above example.
Once this file save, run the following command sequence on your Oempro server:
cd /opt/oempro/
docker-compose build haproxy
docker-compose kill haproxy && docker-compose up -d haproxy
Now you can access your Mailhob dashboard on your web browser.
In order to create a Test Delivery Server, simply follow the steps explained above but this time, set the following parameters:
Field | Value |
Name | Mailhog |
Host Address/IP | |
SMTP Port | 1025 |
Security | No secured connection |
Connection Time-Out | 10 |
Authentication | Authentication not required |
Link Tracking Domain | <enter your Oempro domain here> |
Open Tracking Domain | <enter your Oempro domain here> |
MFROM Domain | <enter your primary sender domain here> |
Enforced From Email Address | <leave empty> |
Click the “Create Delivery Server” button to create your test delivery server. You will be redirected to the Delivery Server list. Click on your new delivery server and go to “DNS Test” tab.
Click “Test Delivery Server” button. In a few seconds, you should see “Email Delivery ⇒ PASSED”:
Once you open your Mailhog dashboard on your web browser, you will see the test email on your mailbox.
Email Deliverability
Setting up your delivery servers, tracking and MFROM/FROM domains are very important for the highest delivery success rate.
You must make sure that your outgoing emails comply with SPF, DKIM, DMARC and domain-alignment policies.
You may use third party email validation and delivery test tools to make sure you are in good standing.
Some third party email validation and delivery test tools are;
Email Delivery
Email delivery settings will help you to define critical parameters and functionalities of your email delivery activities.
Under this section, you can configure;
- X-Mailer header
- Seed email addresses for monitoring
- Alias email addresses for reply management
- Relaying domains for bounce/reply handling
- Pre-header text template
- The default email delivery SMTP settings
- Email delivery load balancer
- Bounce handling parameters
- SPAM complaint handling parameters
- Custom email headers
Email Delivery Settings
You can configure email delivery parameters and related components under this section. Let’s go through each one of these parameters:
Name | Description |
X-Mailer Header | [Optional] This is the system-wide set “x-mailer” email header. You may leave this field empty to disable it or set it to any value you prefer. This email header will be added to all outgoing emails. |
Centralized Sender Domain | [Optional] If you want to apply a system-wise return-path/sender email address domain, you can set this field to a domain that you control. Once this feature is enabled, you have to apply SPF/DKIM/DMARC policies to only this sender domain. |
Default Delivery Channel | Make sure that this setting is set to “SMTP Connection”. Other options will be canceled and removed in future versions. |
Seed List | [Optional] Email addresses set in this field will receive a copy of each outgoing email campaign. This feature is very useful if you want to receive and monitor all outgoing email campaigns from the system or run automated inbox delivery tests using a third party platform, such as Write one email address on each line. |
Alias List | [Optional] When a reply is received to the sender/mfrom email address (or the from email address if you have enforced it), Oempro will check if it matches any of the defined alias rules here. If any rule is matched, the email address will be forwarded to the corresponding email address. You can set multiple alias rules by writing on each line. asterisk (*) character represents the wildcard feature. A few examples: when a reply is received to, the email will be forwarded to * This is the catch-all alias rule. It should be added to the end of the alias list. If none of the alias rules are matched, this rule will catch the email and forward it to the corresponding email address. |
Relay Domains | [Optional] The list of domains you would like accept DSN (delivery status notification) emails as well as replies. If Oempro’s inbound SMTP server receives an email with a sender domain which is not listed here, the SMTP server will return “Relaying denied” response to the sender. This important for preventing open relay risk. |
Pre-Header Text | [Optional] Pre-header text is a HTML snippet which is set inside the HTML email code. Modern email clients including Gmail, Yahoo, Apply Mail and many others use this preview text to display a snippet next to the email subject. In this setting, you can customize how to inject the pre-header text into the HTML email code. Simply click the “default pre-header text” link below the setting to define the default pre-header text template. |
Subscriber Data Snapshot | Once this checkbox is checked, Oempro will capture and save the custom field information of each recipient in the campaign queue. The downside of this feature is, your database will consume considerably more space on your server disk but when your recipients open the email on a web browser in the future, they will always see the personalized email at the date of the email delivery. |
On-Demand SSL Domain URL | This is a read-only information. If you are using Oempro with a third party on-demand SSL reverse proxy system such as Caddy, you may set this end-point URL on Caddy configuration to validate requesting domains before initiating an SSL certificate on the go. |
Load Balancing
This feature helps you to balance the number of outgoing emails from Oempro delivery servers to your mail server. If you are running low on system resources for your mail server or if you want to throttle outgoing email volume from your Oempro server, you can enable this feature and define the number of emails to send on each interval.
For example;
This setup will force Oempro to send only 100 emails and wait 10 seconds before sending another 100 emails.
Oempro has inbound SMTP server for processing incoming emails, including delivery status notification (DSN) emails. In order to activate bounce handling, make sure you have set your relay domains under [Admin Area → Settings → Email Delivery] section.
Name | Description |
Forward To | Emails sent to abuse@, postmaster@, root@ sender domains will be forwarded to the email address entered here. It’s useful to receive these emails to a mailbox which is being monitored for manually sent complaints and other recipient requests. |
Catch-All Domain | This domain will be used as a return-path email address domain in your outgoing emails. This feature will be overridden by Delivery Server MFROM domain settings. |
Threshold | Oempro will check how many times soft bounce DSN report has been received for each email address and decide if the email address must be marked as “Hard Bounced” once this threshold is reached. |
Error Notification | Once this checkbox is checked, the administrator will be notified for any DSN report which couldn’t be processed. |
Monitoring Method | Choose how to process incoming DSN emails to the defined mailbox. We strongly recommend you “POP3/IMAP connection” and enter IMAP/POP3 credentials for the connection. The “Email Piping/CLI” option will be deprecated in future versions. |
For more information about different bounce handling techniques and setup, please refer to the Bounce Processing section.
SPAM Complaint
In this section, you can define email addresses and other settings related to the Spam Complaint and FBL processing.
Name | Description |
Abuse Reports | Enter the email address you would like to receive abuse and spam complaints. This email address will not be disclosed publicly. |
Complaints | This email address will be added to outgoing email headers as “x-complaints-to”. Do not set your personal email address for this setting. In order to align domains inside outgoing emails, you can use %sender_domain% merge tag to make sure the complaints email address is always the same with the sender domain. Example: complaints@%sender_domain% |
FBL Email | The email address which has been submitted to FBL programs such as Outlook JMRP, Google FBL, etc. |
List Unsubscribe Email | The email address set here will be added to outgoing email “list-unsubscribe:” headers. List-unsubscribe header email address (or URL) receives a copy of the unsubscription request processed by the ESP. If you leave this field empty, Oempro will set the list-unsubscribe email address to the MFROM sender domain set in the Delivery Server settings. |
Monitoring Method | Choose POP3/IMAP and enter connection parameters. “Email Piping/CLI” option will be deprecated in future versions. |
You can add custom email headers to outgoing emails. This can be done on this section:
As you can see above, we have set two custom email headers which affects all outgoing emails through the system. The value of these email headers contain merge tags which will be replaced by the sender user ID and the campaign ID.
When creating a custom email header, you can restrict the implementation to “All Emails”, “Email Campaigns”, “Autoresponder Emails” or “Transaction Emails”.
Also, you can restrict the scope to system wide (all delivery servers) or to a specific delivery server.
The custom email header value can also be customized by;
Depending on the email type (campaign, autoresponder, transactional, etc.), some of these listed merge tags may not be available for that specific email type or recipient.
docker exec -ti oempro_app supervisorctl restart all
Email Requests
Email Requests has been implemented into Oempro back in early 2000’s... Since then the demand on this feature has declined and the effectiveness of this feature in the email marketing space has lost. Therefore, we have decided to deprecate this feature in one of the future versions.
S2S Postback
Server-to-Server (S2S) postback integration is a complicated, but better way of tracking information about the user and what conversion is made.
This method generates a click ID value via an HTTP request that is used for tracking. Once a conversion happens, the affiliate network sends the value and info to Oempro, and gives you detailed information about everything.
It is a very accurate tracking method and you get a lot more information about the recipient’s actions. It is also extremely secure and reliable (Pixels can sometimes misfire or can be blocked).
Under [Admin Area → Settings → S2S Postback] section, you can setup your S2S postback parameters:
Name | Description |
S2S Postback URL | This is a read-only parameter. This URL end-point will be used on your tracking/conversion software (ex: Binom). |
Track Parameter | You can set this parameter name to any other value. This parameter will include the special identification key for the tracking software. |
Channel | To get the conversion metric for each channel, you can use this feature. |
Value | This parameter keeps the conversion value. Set this to any parameter name that your tracking software supports. |
Unit | Set the unit of the conversion. It can be “$” or “users” or any other metric unit you prefer. |
Once you set your S2S Postback settings and save it, the S2S Postback feature will be enabled on the system. When creating your next email campaign, you an check the “S2S Postback” integration option:
Once “Enable S2S Postback” checkbox is checked, Oempro will show you the current S2S Postback setup. Simply create and run your email campaign. For each conversion, Oempro will receive an S2S Postback data from the tracking system such as Binom or Voluum and these metrics will be displayed under “Conversions” section of your email campaign report page.
SMS Settings
This section contains settings related to the SMS feature of Oempro.
Under “Frequency Checker” tab, you can set the frequency of SMS delivery to each recipient. This feature will allow you to have full control over how many SMS messages to send to the same recipient over a specific period of time.
You can set a frequency limit for SMS delivery based on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly time intervals.
Under “Forbidden Words” tab, you can set words which will be rejected in SMS campaigns. If an SMS campaign is scheduled with any of these words, the system will alert and reject the delivery.
Under “Other” tab, you can set all other features such as “Frequency Whitelisted” mobile numbers.
Email Templates
ESP Settings
If you are going to use Oempro to power-up your email marketing service and let your customers to login and manage their email marketing campaigns, this section is for you.
The first thing you need to decide is to let your website visitors sign-up to the platform or not. If you want to accept new users via sign-up form, choose “Allow visitors to sign-up to the system as user” option. This will enable additional options to you:
When sign-up system is enabled, your website visitors can use Oempro’s built-in sign-up form to sign-up as an user on the platform.
. The UI of this form can be changed by editing /opt/oempro/templates/weefive/desktop/public/signup.tpl
template file.A user can be “Trusted” or “Un-trusted”. When a user is set as “Trusted”, campaigns scheduled under this user account will be delivered on time without any manual approval process. When a user is set as “Un-trusted”, campaigns of the user will be put on-hold until the administrator manually verifies the approval pending campaign and approves the user account.
Next two settings are sign-up fields and default user interface language. You can show/hide specific fields on the user sign-up form.
When a user signs up, the user will be added to the “Target User Group”. We strongly recommend you to setup a limited user group for new users. Power features and high limits will cause your email marketing system to become vulnerable to spamming.
Under “Currency & Tax” tab, you can set the currency and Tax/Vat (%) rates. These settings will be applied to system usage pricing and billing features.
Under “Notification Emails” section, you can customize the system email which will be delivered at the end of each payment period.
Under “Payment Gateway” section, you can enable Paypal Express Checkout or Third Party Payment Gateway option and start accepting payments online on your email marketing platform.
If you choose “Third Party Payment Gateway” option, you will be asked to enter the payment gateway redirection URL. You can customize this URL with specific information such as;
- User ID →
- User’s First Name →
- User’s Last Name →
- User’s Email Address →
- Number of credits to be purchased →
- Total amount to be paid →
- Purchase ID →
Single Sign On (SSO)
Oempro includes multi-SSO infrastructure. Single Sign On feature allows you to integrate your email marketing platform to your other systems in a few minutes. In this way, your users (or customers) can access to their accounts on Oempro with a single click. SSO avoids the need of entering username/password when accessing user accounts on Oempro.
For each system, you can setup a different SSO source. Each SSO source has its own security keys which helps you to keep your systems isolated if needed.
To create a new SSO source, click “Create SSO Source” link:
You will be asked to enter your SSO source parameters:
Name | Description |
Source Name | Give a name to your new SSO source. This is for information only. |
Source Code | Set a unique SSO source code. This will be the identifier of your SSO source. |
Description | Internal description for information only. |
Expires At | You can set an expiry date for your SSO source. After this date, the SSO will not work and authentication will be disabled. |
Valid For | Enter the number of seconds to keep SSO URL’s active. Keeping this value high will make your SSO source become vulnerable. We recommend 5 seconds or less. |
Create New User | Check “Create a new user account if corresponding account is not found” option if you want Oempro to setup a new user account if the corresponding user account is not found during SSO communication. |
Login The User | Check “Login the user to the user area” if you want to login the user after SSO communication. |
Return JSON Data | Check “Return the user data in JSON format” option if you want to retrieve the SSO response in JSON format instead of redirecting user to the user area. Useful for internal SSO communication between Oempro and the corresponding system. |
Once you create your SSO source, Oempro will show you two secret keys. These secret keys are required to generate the SSO URL properly. You will also find a PHP example under secret keys which can be used to perform the SSO integration quickly.
You can customize system preferences under this section.
Name | Description |
Default Language | Set the default language for the system. |
Admin Captcha | Enable/disable the human verification image on the administrator login page |
User Captcha | Enable/disable the human verification image on the user login page |
Execute Cron | Set this to Yes to execute send engine cron on every request to user area web pages. *** This feature is deprecated *** |
User Password Reset | For security purposes, you may consider disabling user account password reset feature on the login page. |
Forbidden Emails | Enter email addresses you wish to ban from users when setting their from email addresses in emails. Enter each email address to a new line. You can use asterisk for matching. Ex: * |
User Area Footer | Customer the footer of the user area. HTML code is supported. |
Default Custom Fields | Define custom fields you would like to create automatically with each new list. These custom fields will be text based custom fields. Write one custom field name on each new line. |
Customize the look-n-feel of the user interface by changing the product name displayed on the top left of the user interface and setting customized headers and footers for specific sections.
directory.Upload Settings
When creating an email campaign, auto responder or system email, you may attach files to your emails, or upload images to your media gallery and insert into your email content. These uploaded files and images can be stored on the application server, on the MySQL database, or they can be uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket.
If you choose “Upload to the server” option, uploaded images and files will be stored inside /opt/oempro/data/
If you choose “Upload to Amazon S3” and enter your S3 credentials, uploaded images and files will be stored on your Amazon S3 bucket.
Under this section, you can setup preferences of third party integrations such as,,, and others.
Google Analytics
Source and Medium keywords set here will be appended to email campaign links if the user enables Google Analytics option when creating the email campaign. These parameters will be appended to links with utm_source
and utm_medium
URL parameters.
In order to activate the integration, first you need to sign-up for a free Stripo account on their website
Once you are logged in, click on your account photo and then click “Plug-Ins”:
Click “Create Application” button and give a name to your application (ex: Oempro) and enter the Oempro url.
Once your new application is created, you will see “Plug-In ID” and “Secret Key” parameters:
Copy these two parameters and paste them to your Oempro Stripo settings. If you want to activate power features such as Stripo Template Gallery support inside Oempro, set Stripo API keys for each user ID. Here’s an example:
"2": "<stripo-api-key-1>",
"3": "<stripo-api-key-2>",
In the example above, “2” and “3” represents Oempro user ID’s. Stripo API keys can be found under each project settings page:
In order to use Unlayer drag-n-drop email builder inside Oempro, you need to copy&paste Unlayer project ID and API key under “” tab. Once these settings are entered, the integration will be activated.
Users will be able to choose Unlayer Drag-n-drop email builder option when creating an email campaign or auto responder.
Cleanify is one of the high accurate and reliable email list verification and list hygiene service. Oempro has a full-featured integration with
Once integration is enabled, Oempro will start verifying new subscribers and reject email addresses which are invalid, hard bounces, possible spam trap, role based or catch-all email addresses. With the help of integration, you will be able to protect your email delivery reputation a lot easier.
To activate integration, first visit website and sign-up for a free account. Inside your account, “My Profile” link on the top right corder:
On your account profile page, you will see your API key. Copy this API key and paste it under “” section in Oempro:
Once the API key is entered and settings are saved, Oempro will establish the integration with
Here’s how it looks like once the integration is enabled:
You can set the maximum number of list verification tests your users can run on daily and monthly basis.
You can also set what kind of email addresses to be accepted to lists:
- Deliverable → These are 100% valid and working email addresses
- Risky → These are catch-all, role-based or corporate email addresses (ex:
- Unknown → These are email addresses which couldn’t be identified as deliverable nor risky
- Undeliverable → These are hard bounced / invalid email addresses
Once integration is enabled, users will also see “Email Verification” link inside their lists and they can run bulk email verifications to get rid of risky and invalid email addresses. is an advanced sender IP address and domain reputation monitoring service. The integration between Oempro and can be enabled by entering the IPMonitor API key which can be gathered from the dashboard.
Oempro is a powerful and extendable email marketing software. You can customize and extend the features of Oempro by adding (or developing) plug-ins. When a plug-in is added to Oempro, it will be available under [Admin Area → Settings → Plug-Ins] section:
Once a plug-in is added to Oempro, it must be enabled here. Unless a plug-in is enabled, it will not become active in the system.
On this page
- Settings
- Admin Account
- Account Information
- Email Addresses
- Security
- Default Opt-In Settings
- Delivery Servers
- Creating a Delivery Server
- Setting Up SSL Certificates For Tracking Domains
- Setting Up a Test Delivery Server
- Email Deliverability
- Email Delivery
- Email Delivery Settings
- Load Balancing
- Bounces
- SPAM Complaint
- Headers
- Email Requests
- S2S Postback
- SMS Settings
- Email Templates
- ESP Settings
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Preferences
- Rebranding
- Upload Settings
- Integrations
- Google Analytics
- Plug-Ins
- Initialization