Quick Walkthrough

Quick Walkthrough

Quick Walkthrough

Oempro is a multi-account audience management and email marketing software. When you install Oempro, the administrator account is setup by the system and you can login to the administrator area via; https://your-oempro-domain.com/app/admin/

This diagram shows how accounts are structured in Oempro.
This diagram shows how accounts are structured in Oempro.

When you login to the administrator area, you will see the admin dashboard:


This is the section where you (as administrator) manage all system parameters, settings and components. Under “Settings” menu, you can manage email delivery settings, email delivery server connections, plug-ins, security settings, S2S postback, single-sign-on and many other parameters.

Once you click the “Menu” icon next to the “Settings”, you can manage components including global custom fields, global segments, suppression list, and bounce processing.

Under “Users” section, you can manage user groups and user accounts.

“Delivery Reports” section gives you a quick look at the big picture about your email deliverability. You can see how many emails are being sent from your email marketing platform, to which ESP’s, and their key metrics.

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