


Oempro gives you ability to manage you audience in the user area. Depending on your license type, you can create one or many user accounts to manage your audience.

Another big advantage of Oempro is, each user is 100% isolated when it comes to data access. One user cannot access the assets (audience, campaign, autoresponder, etc.) of another user.

Your audience consists of two different main actions:

  • Audience acquisition
  • Audience management


Below, you can find the list of terms and how they are represented in the Oempro ecosystem:

  • Audience → Subscriber
  • Audience Groups → Subscriber Lists
  • Audience Attributes → Custom Fields
  • Audience Segments → Segments
  • Audience Follow-Ups → Auto Responders

Audience Acquisition

When it comes to audience acquisition, it’s all about getting your audience members (subscribers) into the Oempro user account. Audience can be grouped (and categorized) in subscriber lists.

You can see audience acquisition channels in this diagram
You can see audience acquisition channels in this diagram

As shown in the diagram above, you can get new subscribers to your user account (grey boxes) through one of these channels (yellow boxes).

Oempro is quite flexible when it comes to new subscriber injection. You can use Oempro’s built-in subscribe forms, inbound webhooks, API or direct MySQL table injection.

In this section, you will learn all details about each one of these channels.

Audience Management

Once you have your subscriber lists ready and getting your subscribers into your lists, the next step is management your subscriber list components:

This diagram represents subscriber list components and how they affect the audience of the subscriber list.
This diagram represents subscriber list components and how they affect the audience of the subscriber list.

A subscriber list consists of;

  • Custom Fields
  • Segments
  • Auto Responders
  • Audience

Custom Fields

The purpose of custom fields is to store additional information about each one of the subscriber in the list. By the default, Oempro has email address, subscription date, subscription IP, subscription status, unsubscription date and unsubscription IP attributes for each subscriber.

In addition to these default subscriber attributes, you can store unlimited amount of additional information for each subscriber. Some commonly used examples are first name, last name, city, country, purchased products, interests, etc.

Custom fields can be used for two different pursposes:

  • Targeting the audience and narrowing it down to smaller targeted groups (segmentation)
  • Personalization of the email content for sending relevant and personal emails


Segments are a group of subscriber rules to create dynamic and real-time audience groups based on attributes and activities of subscribers.

Segment rules can be based on attributes (custom fields such as first name, last name, city, etc.) and activities (email open, link click, etc.). Segments are dynamic and real-time updated groups inside each list. You can create as many segments as you need inside each list.

The representation of segments in subscriber lists. You can use segments to target your audience in a better (and smarter) way.
The representation of segments in subscriber lists. You can use segments to target your audience in a better (and smarter) way.

You can use segments in your email campaigns as recipients.

Below, you can see a list of example segments which can be useful for email campaign targeting:

  • Targeting active Gmail audience members Anyone who [has a email address] AND [opened at least 1 email in the last 10 days] AND [Subscribed in the last 30 days]
  • Targeting based on audience location Anyone who [is from San Francisco]

Auto Responders

Auto responders are event-triggered emails. These event-triggered emails can be set inside each subscriber list and they can be queued time sequentially. With the help of auto responders, you can setup high engaging emails which will be delivered on time.

Just like email campaigns, auto responders can be plain text, HTML text or multi-part (both HTML and plain text) emails. You can measure the performance of auto responders by checking their KPIs including open rates, click-through rates, etc. You can get the KPI breakdown for each recipient ISP (,, etc.)

Auto responders belong to their owner subscriber lists. For each list, you can setup a different setup of auto responders and move your subscribers between these lists with the help of journeys. In this way, you can create a fully automated funnels and email series.

A few auto responder use cases;

  • Onboarding email series
  • Pre-sales training emails
  • Membership renewal email series
  • Trial expire email series


Your audience (subscribers) is grouped inside subscriber lists. You can store as many subscribers as you need along with their additional information and then you can use these attributes to filter your audience and target them.

Oempro keeps your audience up to date by monitoring their opt-out requests, email address validity (hard bounce processing) and spam complaints. Whenever one of these events occur, Oempro detects and performs the required set of actions to make sure you are in good standing when it comes with email deliverability.

In addition to subscriber attributes, Oempro also tracks the events of subscribers. You can see the list of tracked events in the below diagram:


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