Version Upgrade

Version Upgrade

Version Upgrade

From Oempro v4.14.5+

This article contains version upgrade instructions for Oempro v4.14.5 and higher Docker based versions.

If you are going to upgrade your Oempro v4.14.4 Docker version to the most recent version, please follow these instructions:

  1. First, upload the latest Oempro version zip file to your server. (/opt/oempro/)
  2. Backup your MySQL database
  3. Backup your Oempro directory (/opt/oempro/)
  4. Change current directory into Oempro:
  5. cd /opt/oempro/
  6. Stop Docker containers:
  7. docker-compose kill
  8. Take a backup of _dockerfiles directory. Especially, haproxy.cfg file as it may include modified SSL certificate directives.
  9. cp /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg.bck
  10. Take a backup of the config file:
  11. cp /opt/oempro/data/ /opt/oempro/data/
  12. Unzip the Oempro zip package. ZIP may ask you what to do for existing files. Choose “Replace All” option.
  13. Copy the SSL certificate directory from the _dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg.bck file to the _dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg file:
  14. # Enable these two lines if you have activated LetsEncrypt SSLbind *:443 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
  15. Create the following environment file inside /opt/oempro/ directory:
  16. touch /opt/oempro/.oempro_mysql_env
  17. Paste the following content into the .env file:
  18. HOSTNAME=oempro_mysql
  19. Pull latest Docker updates:
  20. docker-compose pull
  21. Build Docker containers:
  22. docker-compose build
  23. Start the Docker compose:
  24. docker-compose up -d
  25. Open your web browser and go to the upgrade utility to perform the last upgrade task. The upgrade tool can be executed via the following URL:
  27. This step should be done if Oempro is already installed. Skip this step if there’s no update on the .env file. SSH into oempro_system container to perform a pre-upgrade process:
  28. docker exec -ti oempro_system bash
    cd /var/www/html/install/
    php phing.phar -f install.xml
  29. Exit to the host machine
  30. Restart supervisor processes in containers:
  31. docker exec -ti oempro_app supervisorctl restart all
    docker exec -ti oempro_system supervisorctl restart all
    docker exec -ti oempro_bounce supervisorctl restart all
  32. Set file permissions just to be sure:
  33. chmod -R 0777 /opt/oempro/data/
    chmod -R 0777 /opt/oempro/system/storage/
    chmod -R 0777 /opt/oempro/system/bootstrap/cache/
  34. Edit /opt/oempro/system/.env file and set the values. The values can be found under /opt/oempro/.oempro_rabbitmq_env file.
  36. Run these commands:
  37. docker exec -ti oempro_system php /var/www/html/system/artisan config:clear
    docker exec -ti oempro_app supervisorctl restart all
    docker exec -ti oempro_system supervisorctl restart all
    docker exec -ti oempro_bounce supervisorctl restart all
  38. Lastly, delete the install directory to make sure that it cannot be reached later on:
  39. rm -rf /opt/oempro/install

From Oempro v4.14.4+

From Oempro v4.10.0+

From Oempro v4.8.0+

Oempro v4.7.0 and Older Versions


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