What’s New in v5.0.2

What’s New in v5.0.2

What’s New in v5.0.2

We have made plenty amount of improvements, fixed bugs, applied security updates and added new features in this new version.

Unified CLI Based Installation Tool

A straightforward command line installation tool that simplifies and speeds up the web-based installation process.

Ability to hide “Coming Soon” features in the user area

Ability to hide “Coming Soon” features.
Ability to hide “Coming Soon” features.

Full control over “Coming soon” features and an option to hide them from the user area to avoid confusion.

Better User Management

Number of users are displayed next to each user group.
Number of users are displayed next to each user group.

Easily manage user groups and instantly see the number of users in each group. Faster and easier user management with improved search filters and additional fields for user information.

Users can be sorted.
Users can be sorted.

Email Campaign Cloning

Clone and send a campaign with a single click.
Clone and send a campaign with a single click.

Set up your campaign in minutes with the “Clone” feature that enables you to duplicate a draft email campaign.

Powerful Email Delivery Engine

A powerful new email send engine system with the capacity to handle 10 million+ email deliveries a day without system resource overload.

Screenshot taken from PowerMTA dashboard.
Screenshot taken from PowerMTA dashboard.

Daily Email Delivery Limit

Limit the number of emails that can be sent every day.
Limit the number of emails that can be sent every day.

On top of monthly limit settings, limit the number of email deliveries users can send out daily.

Simplified Campaign Creation Process

Enable simplified campaign create process for specific user groups.
Enable simplified campaign create process for specific user groups.

Create email campaigns in one step instead of five. A huge time saver, the new simplified campaign creation process gets you up and running in no time.

Multi-Role Sub Administrator Accounts

Create sub-admin accounts with different permissions.
Create sub-admin accounts with different permissions.

Set up sub-admin accounts with different access permissions. Empower your team to manage your CDP.

Various Improvements, Bug Fixes and Security Patches

  • Personalization support for %RemoteContent=....% merge tag. Send recipient data to your remote content source for more creative content personalization.
  • Performance improvement for RSS-to-email campaigns.
  • Enforced from email address feature reply-to issue fix. Users can now easily set “Reply to” email addresses on their email campaigns.
  • Important security update for tracking links and preventing third-party phishing attacks.

Octeth Development Roadmap

VersionStatusRelease DateNotes

Jan 3rd, 2022


↳ v5.0.1

May 2nd, 2022


↳ v5.0.2

Aug 17th, 2022


↳ v5.0.3

Oct 3rd, 2022



Dec 26th, 2022


↳ v5.1.1

Mar 14th, 2023



Apr 22nd, 2024


↳ v5.5.1

Jun 24th, 2024


↳ v5.5.2
Not Started Yet


Under Development

In 2024 Q3

Collecting User Feedback

In 2025 Q1

Do you have any feedback or feature idea that you would like to see in Oempro? Please contact us here or submit your feedback here.

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