

Troubleshooting & FAQ

Should the server host just for Oempro?

Yes. The Oempro server shouldn’t have any other component or package installed other than listed packages in the installation document.

I had to restart the installation process, but cannot continue due to a warning.

In such case, you must delete .oempro_mysql_env, .oempro_rabbitmq_env and and .oempro_redis_env environment files.

Once this is done, please also delete Docker containers and images to make sure you can make a fresh start:

cd /etc/oempro
docker system prune
docker system prune --volumes
docker network prune
DANGER: If you execute instructions written here, you will lose your data on Oempro if you have already installed and using it.
I cannot install (or upgrade) Oempro. How can you help me?

If you get stuck or cannot install (or upgrade) to a problem, feel free to contact us. We will do our best to help. You can reach us via

If you have Premium Installation Service or Premium Support Service linked to your Oempro license, please use your one-on-one support calendar link to pick a time that works for you.

Can I install Oempro without Docker?

We only support Oempro’s out-of-box installation process. Technically speaking, you can install Oempro without Docker on your server but you will need multiple physical or VM servers for Oempro’s many different components. This will be very challenging to install and maintain the system.

We strongly recommend Oempro to be installed and used with the out-of-box installation process.

Can’t you find an answer to your question here? Please contact us.

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