Sender Domain Man.

Sender Domain Man.

Sender Domain Management

Starting from Octeth's v5.1.0 release, Sender Domain Management offers a great deal of power and control. This feature allows the system owner to set up unique email delivery environments for each user account. It also enables the allocation of dedicated email delivery IP addresses, sender domains, and tracking domains. Should a user experience high spam complaint or hard bounce rates, the problem will remain isolated to the dedicated IP address and domain, and will not impact the other users.

Sender Domain Management is a feature that can be found in Octeth versions v5.1 and higher.

Setting Up DNS Structure For Email Deliverability

In order for users to send email campaigns and auto responders, their sender domains must be verified and authorized. This necessitates configuring the DNS structure in order to guarantee proper email deliverability.

You can configure the DNS structure in the /opt/oempro/data/ file by editing it and locating the function that is displayed below:

The DNS structure setup which can be customized in
The DNS structure setup which can be customized in /opt/oempro/data/ configuration file.

Let’s say, your primary sender setup domain is You will just ago ahead and setup SPF, DKIM, DMARC, MX and other records on this primary domain. Your users will just inherit the setup from this sender setup domain.

Here’s an example primary sender setup domain DNS record list:

"v=spf1 ip4:…. include:…. -all”
“v=DMARC1; p=none; ….”
“k=rsa; p=….”

Based on the example above, the DNS structure can be configured like;

This setup can be adjusted to fit your particular requirements. This is an example of a DNS structure.

Enabling Sender Domain Management Feature

This feature, Sender Domain Management, can be enabled for any user group. To turn this on for a certain user group, go to [Admin Area → Users → User Groups], edit the desired user group and activate the feature:

Tick the box on display to activate Sender Domain Management.
Tick the box on display to activate Sender Domain Management.

When the "Sender Domain Management" checkbox is checked and the user group is saved, this feature will be enabled for all users in the group.

Setting Up Sender Domains

The [User Area → Settings → Sender Domains] section enables a user to manage their sender domains.


To set up your first sender domain, click on the link that is displayed.

Octeth will ask the user what the sending domain user would like to utilize is.


Simply write the sender domain and click the “Create Sender Domain” button.

Based on the DNS structure configuration already carried out in this article, Octeth will give the user a compilation of DNS records to arrange. For instance:


Once the records have been set, press the "Verify DNS Settings" button, and Octeth will check that they are correct on your DNS server. Once every record has been approved, the status of your sender domain will be changed to "Confirmed".

A domain that has been properly verified and enabled can be utilized for email marketing and automated responses.

Once your domain is verified and active, simply create your email campaign or auto responder. When entering the “from” information, Octeth will show you the list of approved sender domains:

An example campaign create process

Sender Domain Management feature will enforce users to send their emails through verified and 100% email delivery compliant domains. This feature can also be combined with shared email delivery approach. For more details about the use case, please read this article:

Setting up an ESP Delivery EnvironmentSetting up an ESP Delivery Environment
If you lack expertise in email deliverability, setting up your main sender domain's DNS can be tricky. Don't worry, we're here to help. Contact us today.

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