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Delivery Servers
Oempro sends email campaigns, autoresponders and transactional emails via SMTP servers. These SMTP servers are set under [Admin Area → Settings → Delivery Servers] section. You can create multiple delivery servers for the same or different SMTP servers.
Each delivery server has its own SMTP credentials, link and open tracking domains, MFROM domain and other deliver settings.
Creating a Delivery Server
In order to create a new Delivery Server, click “Create Delivery Server” link as shown below.
Oempro will ask you to enter the new Delivery Server parameters, including Name, Host, and SMTP credentials.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the delivery server. This is for internal use only. Make sure you name your delivery servers with a notation to keep everything organized as your delivery server count grows. |
Host Address/IP | The IP address (or hostname) of your SMTP server. |
SMTP Port | Usually this is 25 or 587. Please check for the correct port number with your SMTP provider service. |
Security | Choose the correct security mode based on your SMTP service provider. If they force TLS connection (ex: Amazon SES), make sure you choose the TLS option. |
Connection Time-Out | Number of seconds to wait until the SMTP connection is made. 10 seconds is the default value. |
Authentication | If your SMTP service provider requires a username and password to connect, enable the authentication mode and enter your SMTP username and password. |
Once you are done with the “Email Delivery” tab, click “Domains” tab and set other Delivery Server parameters as explained below.
Field | Description |
Link Tracking | Enter the domain you would like to use inside your email content for link tracking. It can be either a subdomain (ex: or a root domain (ex: |
Open Tracking | Enter the domain you would like to use inside your email content for open tracking pixel domain. Usually, this is same with your link tracking domain. |
MFROM Domain | Enter the domain name you would like to set as MFROM domain (return-path email address domain). Make sure that DNS records of this MFROM domain are setup properly for email policy compliance (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.).
If you enter an email address here instead of a domain, the MFROM email address will be set to this email address. Some SMTP service providers such as Amazon SES require you to set a specific MFROM email address. |
Enforced From Email Address | If you set an email address for this setting, it will be enforced in all outgoing email campaigns and autoresopnders. The “From” email header will be set to this email address. |
In addition to these settings, if you want to use the “Sender Email Address” of the subscriber list as the MFROM email address, please check this checkbox:
If you want to set the “Sender Email Address” of the subscriber list as the “FROM” email header, please check this checkbox:
Once you are done with the settings of your new Delivery Server, click the “Create Delivery Server” button. You will be redirected to the Delivery Server list.
Setting Up SSL Certificates For Tracking Domains
Setting up an SSL certificate for your tracking domains is optional but highly recommended for both security and better email deliverability.
In order to initiate SSL certificate for your tracking domains, please refer to SSL Certificates section for initiating SSL certificates and activating them in your Oempro.
Setting Up a Test Delivery Server
Oempro includes a “Mailhog” Docker container. Mailhog is a SMTP and Mailbox simulator which means, you can send your emails to this test mailbox and check them if your emails are properly structured and sent.
Mailhog can be accessed via http://your-oempro-domain:8025
on your web browser. In order to access this URL end-point, you need to set your static IP address in /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg
and apply the change.
Once you edit this file, find frontend frontend_mailhog_admin
directive. Inside this directive, you will see acl network_allowed src
parameter. Simply add your email address to the end of this parameter. Here’s an example:
frontend frontend_mailhog_admin
bind *:8025
mode http
acl network_allowed src
http-request deny if !network_allowed
use_backend backend_mailhog_admin
represents your IP address in the above example.
Once this file save, run the following command sequence on your Oempro server:
cd /opt/oempro/
docker-compose build haproxy
docker-compose kill haproxy && docker-compose up -d haproxy
Now you can access your Mailhob dashboard on your web browser.
In order to create a Test Delivery Server, simply follow the steps explained above but this time, set the following parameters:
Field | Value |
Name | Mailhog |
Host Address/IP | |
SMTP Port | 1025 |
Security | No secured connection |
Connection Time-Out | 10 |
Authentication | Authentication not required |
Link Tracking Domain | <enter your Oempro domain here> |
Open Tracking Domain | <enter your Oempro domain here> |
MFROM Domain | <enter your primary sender domain here> |
Enforced From Email Address | <leave empty> |
Click the “Create Delivery Server” button to create your test delivery server. You will be redirected to the Delivery Server list. Click on your new delivery server and go to “DNS Test” tab.
Click “Test Delivery Server” button. In a few seconds, you should see “Email Delivery ⇒ PASSED”:
Once you open your Mailhog dashboard on your web browser, you will see the test email on your mailbox.