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User Management
Oempro has an advanced user management system where you can manage almost everything related to your users.
Below, you can see the diagram which represents how the user system is structured.
Users are categorized under “User Groups”.
Each user group has its own permissions, limits, features and branding.
Each user group can store unlimited user accounts.
The user account inherits the settings, permissions, limits, features and branding of the assigned user group.
In order to manage audiences, email campaigns, autoresponders, segments and marketing related all other features, first you need to setup a user account in the [Admin Area → Users] section.
When you install Oempro on your server, it comes with a “Default User Group”. You can either edit this user group and change its settings or you can create a new one in the [Admin Area → Users → User Groups] section:
On the user group management area, you can either create a new user group from scratch by clicking “Create User Group” button on the top right corner of the screen or you can simply edit one of the existing user groups and save it as a new user group.
User Groups
The Purpose
The purpose of user groups is to create centralized “containers” that have common features, branding, limits, permissions and delivery settings for its users. You can easily change these settings for the users of the group with a few clicks and all users that belong to this user group will be updated instantly.
There are many customizable user group features that affect the users of the group. Let’s take a look at each one of them:
Name | Description |
Group Name | The name of your user group. This name is used across the system and it can also publicly be displayed to users. |
Product Name | Users of this group will see the entered product name on their user areas. |
Sender Information | Check “Enable sender information to be entered for each new list created” checkbox if you want your users to enter a sender information (name, email, address and company) when creating a new list. Check “Enforce sender information” if you want the sender information to be mandatory to fill-in and inserted into outgoing emails. |
Opt-Out Link Enforcement | Check “Force unsubscribe link in campaign emails” option if you want to force your users insert unsubscription links into their email campaigns and autoresponders. |
Reject Link Enforcement | “Force opt-in reject link in opt-in confirm emails” |
Double Opt-In Enforcement | "Force opt-in subscriber lists” |
Performance Indicator | "Show emails/sec. throughput in campaign reports” |
SpamAssassin Enforcement | Prevent email campaign delivery if the SpamAssassin score is not 0.0 |
Subscriber Area Logout Url | When a subscriber of a list logs out from the subscriber area, the subscriber will be redirected to the URL defined here. |
User Area Logout Url | When a user logs out from the user area, the user will be redirected to the URL defined here. |
Trial Mode | Once trial mode is enabled, the user account will expire after the set trial days period and user account owner will not be able to access the user area. |
Import Threshold | If you (admin) want to get informed by email once a user imports more than a specific number, set it here. Ex: Notify me if any user imports more than 10,000 subscribers at once. Leave this field empty to disable. |
Recipient Threshold | If you (admin) want to get informed by email once a user campaign delivery volume is more than a specific number, set it here. Ex: Notify me if any user sends more than 10,000 emails at once. Leave this field empty to disable. |
Email Header | If you want to append an HTML code (or plain text) block to the beginning of outgoing email campaigns, you can set it here. Leave empty to disable this feature. |
Email Footer | If you want to append an HTML code (or plain text) block to the end of outgoing email campaigns, you can set it here. Leave empty to disable this feature. |
X-Mailer Header | You can set a different x-mailer header for each user group you create. If you leave this field empty, the default x-mailer header in the [admin area → settings → email delivery] will be applied. |
Default Delivery Channel | Set the default email delivery channel. The default delivery settings can be used or a custom one can be applied here. |
Marketing Delivery Channel | Choose the delivery server to be used for email marketing campaign deliveries. |
Transactional Delivery Channel | Choose the delivery server to be used for transactional email deliveries. |
Auto Responder Delivery Channel | Choose the delivery server to be used for auto responder email deliveries. |
If needed, the usage of system can be limited for the users of the group. You can apply limits for;
- The number of subscribers that can be stored in each user account
- The number of subscriber lists that can be created in each user account
- The number of email campaigns that can be scheduled every month
- The number of emails that can be sent every month
- The number of emails that can be sent lifetime
By using these limit features, you can setup very specific and limited user groups. For example, if you are going to provide a trial access to your email marketing users, you can setup a user group named “Trial” and setup these limits accordingly.
Payment Settings
If you are going to run an email marketing service for your customers and let them manage their audiences and email marketing campaigns themselves, you can enable this payment settings to bill and charge your customers in the user area.
Once it’s enabled, you can setup service fees for different use cases, such as;
Name | Description |
Service Fee | If you want to charge your users a monthly fixed fee, set it here. Every month, this fee will be applied to the user billing. |
Campaign Fee | If you want to charge your users for each email campaign they will create, set the price per campaign here. |
Design Preview Fee | This feature is scheduled to be deprecated. |
Autoresponder Fee | If you want to charge your users for the autoresponder feature usage, set the monthly fee here. |
Credit Based Pre-Payment System | If you want to charge your users with a pay-as-you-go plan, enable this feature and set pricing tears. Your users will need to purchase email delivery credits before sending emails. |
Per Recipient Fee For Autoresponders | If you want to charge your users with a pay-as-you-go pricing plan but a different pricing for autoresponders, enable this feature and set pricing tiers. |
Per Recipient Fee For Campaigns | If you want to charge your users with a pay-as-you-go pricing plan but a different pricing for email campaign deliveries, enable this feature and set pricing tiers. |
You can limit the access to specific features for your users. These limits can be set different in each user group. Under the “Permissions” tab, check or uncheck specific features you would like to limit the feature usage.
For example, If you want to let users of the group create and send email campaigns but have no access to the subscriber data, check “Campaigns” features and uncheck “Lists” features:
User Interface
You can change the color scheme and UI theme on this section.
User Accounts
You have setup your user groups, set limits and permissions as well as user group features. Now, it’s time to go ahead and setup your user accounts and assign them to user groups.
Each user account is 100% isolated. This means, all assets of the user including email campaigns, lists, custom fields, autoresponders, etc. are isolated to the owner user account and they cannot be accessed by other user accounts.
Creating a New User
Go to [Admin Area → Users], and click “Create User Account” button on the top right corner of the screen.
You will be asked to enter user information:
Name | Description |
First Name | First name of the user account owner |
Last Name | Last name of the user account owner |
Username | The username required to login to the user area |
Password | The password required to login to the user area |
Email Address | The contact email address of the user account owner |
Time Zone | The time zone for the user account |
Language | The user interface language |
User Group | Choose the user group you would like to assign the new user account |
In addition to account information, you can click “Personal Information” tab and fill-in personal information of the user account owner. This tab is optional.
Once the user account is created, you can click the “Edit” link under the user account on [Admin Area → Users] section to set additional settings of the user account.
- Reputation Level
User Reputation Levels
There are two reputation levels:
When a user is marked as “Trusted”, any email campaigns scheduled by this user will be delivered on time without any delay.
When a user is marked as “Untrusted”, email campaigns scheduled by this user will be put on-hold until the administrator verifies the pending email campaign in the admin area and approve. User will not be able to send email campaigns until the user account is marked as “Trusted” by the administrator.
User Login
In order to login to the user account, you have two options:
User Login
You can use the user area login URL to enter the username and password of the user account you would like to use.
As administrator, you can impersonate to any user account in the admin area. Go to [Admin Area → Users] section, and click “Impersonate” link under the any user account you would like to impersonate.
Once you impersonate to a user account, you will see an administrator control bar at the top of the user area. You can use this control bar to impersonate between different user accounts with a single click.