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PowerMTA, FluentD and Octeth Bounce Processing
Install Fluentd to process PowerMTA Logs and post them to Oempro.
Run ulimit -n
and if the result is 1024, increase maximum number of file descriptors to 65536:
If your console shows 1024, it is insufficient. Please add the following lines to your /etc/security/limits.conf
file and reboot your machine:
root soft nofile 65536
root hard nofile 65536
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536
Reboot the server:
Install Fluentd Ubuntu package by following instructions here.
# Install packages
apt update
apt install gcc make ruby ruby-dev
# Install Fluentd Gem
gem install fluentd --no-doc
Run the following commands to verify the Fluentd installation:
# Setup the fluentd directory and initial configuration
fluentd --setup /etc/fluent
# Run and test
cd /etc/fluent/
fluentd -c /etc/fluent/fluent.conf -vv &
echo '{"json":"message"}' | fluent-cat debug.test
Use kill
to stop the test fluentd process.
Boot Setup
The Fluentd gem does not come with /etc/init.d/ scripts. To ensure Fluentd starts on system boot, we need to create a systemd service file for Fluentd:
- Create a new service file for Fluentd:
vi /etc/systemd/system/fluentd.service
- Paste the following into the file:
Description=Fluentd data collector
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fluentd -c /etc/fluent/oempro.conf --under-supervisor
You can learn the actual path of fluentd
by executing which fluentd
- Save and close the file.
- Reload the systemd daemon to read the new file:
systemctl daemon-reload
- Enable Fluentd to start on boot:
systemctl enable fluentd
- You can start Fluentd immediately without rebooting by running:
systemctl start fluentd
- To check the status of the Fluentd service, you can run:
systemctl status fluentd
This will ensure that Fluentd starts automatically whenever your system boots up.
First, make sure that PowerMTA logs properly. Edit the /etc/pmta/config
file and make sure that the following directive exists:
# Octeth Logging
<acct-file /var/log/pmta-oempro-accounting/oempro.csv>
delete-after 40d
move-interval 24h
records d, b, t, tq, r, f, rb, rs
record-fields d *, !dlvEsmtpAvailable, header_From, header_Message-ID, header_Return-Path
record-fields b *, !dlvEsmtpAvailable, header_From, header_Message-ID, header_X-FBLId, header_Return-Path
record-fields t *, !dlvEsmtpAvailable, header_From, header_Message-ID, header_Return-Path
record-fields tq *
record-fields r *, !srcType, !srcMta, !rcvSourceIp, !rcvDestinationIp, header_From, header_Return-Path
record-fields f *, header_X-virtual-MTA, header_X-FBLId, header_Return-Path
record-fields rb *, header_From, header_X-virtual-MTA, header_X-FBLId, header_Return-Path
record-fields rs *, header_Return-Path
map-header-to-field f header_X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient rcpt # JMRP Recipient
The /etc/fluentd/oempro.conf
content should be set to:
@type tail
path /var/log/pmta-oempro-accounting/oempro-*.csv
pos_file /var/log/pmta_oempro_accounting.pos
tag pmta.log.oempro
@type csv
keys type,timeLogged,timeQueued,orig,rcpt,orcpt,dsnAction,dsnStatus,dsnDiag,dsnMta,bounceCat,srcType,srcMta,dlvType,dlvSourceIp,dlvDestinationIp,dlvSize,vmta,jobId,envId,queue,vmtaPool,header_From,header_Message-ID,header_X-FBLId,repSourceIp,feedbackType,format,userAgent,reportingMta,reportedDomain,header_Return-Path,header_X-job,header_Subject,header_X-virtual-MTA,dsnReportingMta
<match pmta.log.*>
@type copy
@type http
open_timeout 2
http_method post
content_type json
json_array true
@type json
flush_interval 10s
@type stdout
In order to monitor stdout of Fluentd, run this command:
journalctl -u fluentd -f