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Mastering Multi-Language Email Campaigns with Octeth's Content Personalization
Purpose of this help article
In today's globalized world, reaching out to a diverse audience is crucial for businesses.
One effective way to do this is by sending personalized, multi-language email campaigns. This help article aims to guide you through the process of creating dynamically generated email content and layouts based on your recipients' attributes, using Octeth's powerful email content personalization engine.
By focusing on a real-life use case - sending a multi-language email campaign - we will demonstrate how Octeth's features can help you tailor your email content to cater to your audience's language preferences.
This will not only improve your email marketing strategy but also enhance your engagement with subscribers from different linguistic backgrounds.
Throughout this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices to help you create and send personalized multi-language email campaigns with ease.
Our goal is to make this process as simple and straightforward as possible, ensuring that you can effectively communicate with your global audience using Octeth's email marketing software.
Real-life use case: Sending a multi-language email campaign
In this help article, we will explore a practical example of using Octeth's email content personalization engine to send a multi-language email campaign. This will allow you to better understand how to utilize Octeth's features to create dynamic content that caters to your recipients' language preferences.
Octeth's email content personalization is explained in detail in their help article, which can be found here:
To give you a brief overview, Octeth allows you to use personalization tags to customize your email content based on your recipients' attributes. For example:
{{ Subscriber:FirstName }}
gets replaced with the first name of the recipient. But if some of your subscribers have missing first name attribute, this personalization may cause unwanted email content. For example:
Dear Cem! <== OK!
Dear Mike! <== OK!
Dear ! <== This recipient has a missing first name!
You can use conditional personalization to ensure that your email content remains engaging even when some recipient attributes are missing or empty. For instance:
{{ if Subscriber:FirstName }}
Hello {{ Subscriber:FirstName }}!
{{ else }}
Hey There!
{{ endif }}
Or, you can use a shorter version:
{{ fn_fallback value="Hello {{ Subscriber:FirstName }}!" else="Hey There!" }}
By applying these personalization techniques, you can create dynamic email content that resonates with your recipients, regardless of their language preferences. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the process of setting up recipient attributes, creating multi-language email content, and designing and testing email templates to help you craft the perfect multi-language email campaign using Octeth's email marketing software.
Setting Up Recipient Attributes for Language Preferences
Collecting language preference data
To effectively send multi-language email campaigns, it's essential to collect and store your audience's language preferences.
In this section, we will guide you through the process of creating a custom field in your subscriber list, importing your audience with language preferences, and integrating your lead/contact forms to collect language data using subscription webhooks.
Additionally, we will touch upon using the API to subscribe new people to your list with their language preferences.
Creating a custom field for language preferences
- Log in to your Octeth account and navigate to your subscriber list.
- Click on "Custom Fields" and then "Add Custom Field."
- Name the custom field (e.g., "LanguagePreference") and choose the appropriate field type, such as "Text" or "Dropdown."
- Save your changes.
Adding language attributes to your contact list
By following any of these steps, you can efficiently collect and store your audience's language preferences, enabling you to create personalized multi-language email campaigns that cater to their needs.
Importing your audience with language preferences
Prepare a CSV file containing your audience's data, including a column for language preferences.
- In your Octeth account, go to your subscriber list and click on "Import Subscribers"
- Upload your CSV file and map the language preference column to the custom field you created earlier.
- Complete the import process.
Here’s an example import process:
Using the inbound subscription webhook to subscribe new people with language preferences
Adding new subscriber data, including the email address and language preference, using Octeth's inbound subscription webhook feature is a seamless process.
This feature allows you to connect your contact or lead forms to your Octeth subscriber list, ensuring that new subscribers and their language preferences are automatically added to your list.
Here's how to set up an inbound subscription webhook:
- Log in to your Octeth account and navigate to the User Area > Settings > Webhooks section.
- Click on "Add Webhook" to create a new webhook.
- Give your webhook a name, choose the target subscriber list, and select "Subscription" as the event type.
- Click "Save" to create the webhook. Octeth will then display a secret key, an example of securely using the webhook in PHP, and the webhook URL.
- To connect the webhook to your contact or lead form, you can either use the webhook functionality provided by your form builder or integrate it via Zapier. Simply add the webhook URL to the appropriate field in your form builder or Zapier settings.
- Ensure that your form includes fields for the email address and language preference. Map these fields to the corresponding fields in your Octeth subscriber list.
- Test your form to confirm that new subscriber data, including email addresses and language preferences, is successfully added to your Octeth list.
By following these steps, you can efficiently collect new subscriber data and their language preferences using Octeth's inbound subscription webhook feature. This will enable you to create personalized multi-language email campaigns that cater to your growing audience's needs.
To further assist you in setting up an inbound subscription webhook, here's a quick video tutorial that demonstrates the entire process:
Using the API to subscribe new people with language preferences
Octeth provides an API that allows you to programmatically subscribe new contacts to your list, along with their language preferences. Refer to the API documentation for instructions on how to use the API to add subscribers with custom field data, such as language preferences. Below, you can find an example API request:
curl --location 'http://<your-oempro-domain>/api.php' \
--form 'ResponseFormat="JSON"' \
--form 'Command="Subscriber.Subscribe"' \
--form 'ListID="24"' \
--form 'IPAddress=""' \
--form 'EmailAddress=""' \
--form 'CustomField27="EN"' \
--form 'APIKey="<your-api-key>"'
and here’s an example API response:
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"SubscriberID": 16,
"RedirectURL": "",
"Subscriber": {
"SubscriberID": "16",
"EmailAddress": "",
"BounceType": "Not Bounced",
"SubscriptionStatus": "Subscribed",
"SubscriptionDate": "2023-05-03",
"SubscriptionIP": "",
"UnsubscriptionDate": "0000-00-00",
"UnsubscriptionIP": "",
"OptInDate": "0000-00-00",
"CustomField27": "EN",
"CustomField1": "",
"MX_Segment": "",
"CustomField13": "",
"Test": ""
Creating Dynamic Multi-Language Plain Text Email Content
In this section, we will provide a tutorial video that demonstrates how to create a multi-language plain text email campaign using Octeth's content personalization engine. The video will guide you through the process of incorporating the email content and subject with multi-language personalization, as shown in the example below:
{{ if Subscriber:Language == "EN"}} Hello! {{ elseif Subscriber:Language == "DE" }} Hallo! {{ elseif Subscriber:Language == "ES" }} Hola {{ else }} Hey there! {{ endif }}
Email Content:
{{ if Subscriber:Language == "EN"}}
Hello there!
We hope you're having a fantastic week so far! We have some thrilling news to share with you - our highly anticipated demo is finally here, and we can't wait for you to experience it! 🎉
This week, we're showcasing our groundbreaking product that's set to revolutionize the industry. Our team has been working tirelessly to perfect this innovation, and now it's time for you to be among the first to witness its potential. 💡
Join us for an exclusive, interactive session where you'll get a hands-on experience with our demo. You'll have the opportunity to explore its features, ask questions, and provide valuable feedback that will help us make it even better. 🌟
Best regards,
{{ elseif Subscriber:Language == "DE" }}
Wir hoffen, Sie haben bisher eine fantastische Woche! Wir haben einige aufregende Neuigkeiten für Sie – unsere mit Spannung erwartete Demo ist endlich da und wir können es kaum erwarten, dass Sie sie erleben! 🎉
Diese Woche präsentieren wir unser bahnbrechendes Produkt, das die Branche revolutionieren wird. Unser Team hat unermüdlich daran gearbeitet, diese Innovation zu perfektionieren, und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, dass Sie zu den Ersten gehören, die ihr Potenzial miterleben. 💡
Nehmen Sie an einer exklusiven, interaktiven Sitzung teil, in der Sie unsere Demo praktisch erleben können. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, seine Funktionen zu erkunden, Fragen zu stellen und wertvolles Feedback zu geben, das uns hilft, es noch besser zu machen. 🌟
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
{{ elseif Subscriber:Language == "ES" }}
¡Esperamos que estés teniendo una semana fantástica hasta ahora! Tenemos algunas noticias emocionantes para compartir con usted: nuestra demostración tan esperada finalmente está aquí, ¡y estamos ansiosos por que la experimente! 🎉
Esta semana, presentamos nuestro innovador producto que está destinado a revolucionar la industria. Nuestro equipo ha estado trabajando incansablemente para perfeccionar esta innovación, y ahora es el momento de que usted sea uno de los primeros en presenciar su potencial. 💡
Únase a nosotros para una sesión exclusiva e interactiva en la que obtendrá una experiencia práctica con nuestra demostración. Tendrá la oportunidad de explorar sus funciones, hacer preguntas y brindar comentarios valiosos que nos ayudarán a mejorarlo aún más. 🌟
{{ endif }}
Tutorial Video:
This tutorial video will walk you through the process of creating a multi-language plain text email campaign using Octeth's content personalization engine.
By following the steps outlined in the video and incorporating the provided email content and subject examples, you will be able to create dynamic and engaging multi-language email campaigns that cater to your audience's language preferences.
Conclusion and Next Steps
In this help article, we have covered the essential steps to create dynamic multi-language email campaigns using Octeth's content personalization engine.
We discussed how to set up recipient attributes for language preferences, create engaging content for different languages, and implement language-specific personalization tags. Additionally, we provided guidance on designing and testing multi-language email templates and expanding your email marketing strategy with Octeth.
We encourage you to implement the techniques and best practices discussed in this article to create personalized multi-language email campaigns that cater to your audience's language preferences.
By doing so, you will enhance your global reach, improve subscriber engagement, and ultimately, drive better results from your email marketing efforts.
On this page
- Mastering Multi-Language Email Campaigns with Octeth's Content Personalization
- Purpose of this help article
- Real-life use case: Sending a multi-language email campaign
- Setting Up Recipient Attributes for Language Preferences
- Collecting language preference data
- Adding language attributes to your contact list
- Creating Dynamic Multi-Language Plain Text Email Content
- Conclusion and Next Steps