How to set the email from MFROM domain dynamically?

How to set the email from MFROM domain dynamically?

How to set the email from MFROM domain dynamically?

If you have multiple delivery servers with different sender IP addresses and sender domains, it makes sense to set the email campaign from email address dynamically based on the delivery server MFROM domain. In this way, you can achieve the domain alignment in your emails and this increases inbox delivery success rate.

There are two ways to match the delivery server MFROM domain in your email campaign from email addresses:

  1. Enforce a from email address in delivery servers
  2. Use %MFROMDomain% merge tag in the from email address field of your email campaigns

Enforce a from email address in delivery servers

In the administrator area, go to [Settings → Delivery Servers] section. Edit any of your delivery server and click “Domains” tab. Enter an email address to the “Enforced From Email Address” field:


Use %MFROMDomain% merge tag in the from email address field of your email campaigns

Simply enter the from email address domain with %MFROMDomain% merge tag in the “from email address” field as shown below:


This merge tag will be replaced with the active delivery server MFROM domain during the delivery. If you are using multiple delivery servers (by using global segments), each outgoing email will have the associated delivery server MFROM domain.


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