List Setting Parameters

List Name

Give a new to your new subscriber list. Please note, this name can be visible to your subscribers if you enable subscriber area feature.

Sender Name

(This field will be displayed if you have enabled “sender information” feature in user group settings.) Enter the name of the sender. This information can be added to outgoing emails.

Sender Email

(This field will be displayed if you have enabled “sender information” feature in user group settings.) Enter the sender email address. This can be used as “sender” email address in outgoing emails to this list.

Sender Company

(This field will be displayed if you have enabled “sender information” feature in user group settings.) Enter the company name of the sender. This information can be added to outgoing emails.

Sender Address

(This field will be displayed if you have enabled “sender information” feature in user group settings.) Enter the mailing address of the sender. This information can be added to outgoing emails.

Subscription Type

Choose how to process incoming subscription requests. You have two options: Single Opt-In: Incoming subscription request will be processed immediately without sending a confirmation email to the email address owner. Double Opt-In A confirmation email will be sent to the email address owner and once the confirmation link inside the email is clicked, the subscription will be activated in the list. If “Double Opt-In” mode is enabled, you must edit the opt-in confirmation email content by clicking the button below this setting.

Hide This In Subscriber Area

Once this checkbox is checked, the subscriber list will not be visible in the subscriber area for preference updates.

Send Notification Email

If checked, when a subscription or unsubscription event occurs, a notification email will be delivered to your user account email address.

Subscription Behaviors

You can set specific actions to be processed when a subscription occurs: Subscribe him/her to a specific list: You can subscribe the new subscriber to a different subscriber list. Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list: You can unsubscribe the new subscriber from a different subscriber list. Display my own confirmation pending page: When a subscription occurs, you can redirect person to a URL on your website instead of displaying the default success screen. Display my own subscription confirmed page: When a double opt-in confirmation occurs, you can redirect person to a URL on your website instead of displaying the default success screen. Display my own subscription error page: If an error occurs during the subscription process, you can redirect person to a URL on your website.

Unsubscription Behaviors

You can set specific actions to be processed when an unsubscription occurs: Subscribe him/her to a specific list: You can subscribe the new subscriber to a different subscriber list. Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list: You can unsubscribe the new subscriber from a different subscriber list. Unsubscribe him/her from all lists: You can unsubscribe the email address owner from all your subscriber lists at once. Add unsubscribed email addresses into suppression list: You can add the unsubscribed email address to your account suppression list. Add unsubscribed email addresses into global suppression list: you can add the unsubscribed email address to the global suppression list. In this way, this email address gets blocked on all user account subscriber lists. Display my own unsubscription confirmed page: When an unsubscription occurs, you can redirect person to a URL on your website instead of displaying the default success screen. Display my own unsubscription error page: If an error occurs during the unsubscription process, you can redirect person to a URL on your website.

Web Service Integration

When a subscription or unsubscription event occurs, you can post the new subscriber data to a third party service using webhooks. You can setup multiple webhooks for these events. Simply choose the event and enter the target URL to post the new subscriber info.

Request By Email Settings

*** This feature is scheduled to be deprecated soon ***