Custom Email Header Merge Tags

Merge TagDescription
%User:ID%, %User:UserID%

The unique ID of the sender user account.


The hashed unique ID of the sender user account.


The email address of the sender user account.

%UserGroup:ID%, %UserGroup:UserGroupID%

The user group ID of the sender user account.


The hashed user group ID of the sender user account.

%Campaign:ID%, %Campaign:CampaignID%

Campaign ID


The hashed campaign ID


The name of the campaign

%List:ID%, %List:ListID%

The unique ID of the recipient’s subscribed list


The hashed ID of the recipient’s subscribed list

%Subscriber:ID%, %Subscriber:SubscriberID%

The unique ID of the recipient subscriber


The hashed unique ID of the recipient subscriber


The email address of the recipient subscriber


The opt-in IP address of the recipient subscriber


The subscription date of the recipient subscriber